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Simple themes. Examples of customization

Maxim Aginsky

accidental ꩜ initiates ꩜ serendipitous

Maxim Aginsky

The proses of creation never stops and we continue to change elements of composition such as forms, colors, shapes… long time after theme is actually done. This article about the work after work.

Themes no.1 to no.5 can be defined as a simple website themes.

No side widgets, no footer widgets just a simple page for filling your content in.

In this simplicity some individuals can find great solution for their personal ideas.

We love those ones.

Here are some examples of customizing those themes.

By customizing theme logo

Theme no.4

Theme no.2

Theme no.3

Theme no.1

Theme no.5

More examples with customization of different page elements

Theme no.3

Theme no.5

Logo examples

Just by changing one small part of the composition and what a great effect!!!
